Monday, September 30, 2013

A Short Review on a Book Too Long

So, among the usual reasons for extended dry spells--busy, busy, busy--I also have not posted for a while because it took me so long to read Clash of Kings. While I enjoyed the blood and violence and horrible/awesome twists and interesting characters, the book was too damn long.

Are there abridged versions of the Game of Thrones books that I can read, which get to the meat and leave out all the pointless details about this lord or that lord who gets cut down like two pages later? (Essentially, cut out all the parts I should be skimming over?)

On a related note, I have been contemplating the TV series ever since it took me so agonizingly long to read this book. I usually don't spend a whole month on a book, unless it's something like IQ84. I'm starting to think that watching the show might take less time than reading the books at this point. Also, Sigur Ros, one of my favorite bands, will appear in the next season, so that definitely piques my interest a bit more.

To end this short review, a video from the band in question.  

(To read more detailed thoughts on Clash of Kings, read my review of the first book. My thoughts are basically the same. I am so tired of this book I do not even want to put any more thought into it than that.)