Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello, who are you?

Hello and welcome. Also, happy Mother's Day.
I'm calling myself "the obsoletist" for a lot of reasons: not least of which because I am a little late when it comes to catching on to trends. I've only just gotten into this whole blogging thing. I also love books, handwritten letters, and other such printed material that is rapidly in the process of becoming archaic and obsolete. As an avid reader and writer, I will probably be commenting on the so-called "death of print" a lot.
Throughout the life of this blog you can expect a whole lot of my opinions on just about everything under the sun: current events, hot topics, movies, music, books, etc., etc. Feel free to disagree. But I'll also work in some analysis on news events and the news media, and I hope that this will bring in a fresh perspective on these stories.

Now here's an old music video for mothers everywhere.

Come back soon for the first "real" post!

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